For the Poor

Heavenly Father, in Your Son incarnate You showed us the poor, the meek, the refugee, the homeless and the despised.  Through Your Son crucified, You show us love, grace, mercy and justice.

 As we walk with Jesus to Jerusalem, and beyond to Calvary, fill us with that same love, grace, mercy and justice towards all who we meet along our way.  We ask this in the name of Jesus, the One who died that we might live.  Amen.

Almighty and everlasting God, You are to be praised in all the world; all Your creation declares Your glory.  Through Your prophets You call us to walk humbly before You. But, in our pride we turn away from and dismiss the poor, the homeless, the exile, the prisoner and those suffering in broken relationships.  Help us Lord to empty ourselves of all pride and prejudice and turn our hearts towards love for, and care of, the afflicted. Amen.


Prayers based on Matthew 25


For Widows and Single Moms