For Widows and Single Moms

Lord God, we come before You to offer our praise and thanksgiving. You have called us to be Your hands and feet, Your eyes and ears in this world. As You gave the good Samaritan a heart to care for the young man in need, we ask that You would give us a heart to care for those around us who are in need, especially those families living in at-risk and single-parent situations.  

Thank you, Lord, for the many justice and mercy ministries that work with these families.  Help them to ministry in Your love and peace and with Your strength. Lead us to join in this work and reach out to those in our own community. Teach us to look beyond the situation to the individual whose needs are just like ours: food and clothing, shelter and medical care, love and friendship. And teach us to listen to their story. In looking and listening may we recognize their needs and perceive Your call to help. Amen.


For the Poor


For Orphans & At-risk Children