Farm to Flourish

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Project Overview

Farm to Flourish is a new initiative of New Garden Farm at Church of the Redeemer in Greensboro, North Carolina (ACNA, Diocese of Christ our Hope). The vision of New Garden Farm is to welcome Church of the Redeemer, the city of Greensboro, and all nations to the banquet table of Christ. This vision takes practical shape through cultivating a “front porch” ministry where church, parish, and land are all nourished by the Gospel. A front porch is a place of welcome and connection, where those inside (the church) and those outside (the parish) can build lasting relationships through the redemptive stewardship of creation (the land).

Farm to Flourish (F2F) is a refugee youth discipleship program that empowers refugee youth through paid work opportunities, discipleship, and education in the context of regenerative agriculture. The training and leadership opportunities participants take on through F2F, in turn, become central to the “front porch” work of New Garden Farm. Alongside young men and women from Rwanda, Uganda, the Congo, and elsewhere, this initiative deepens the local church’s discipleship; stewards the gifts of soil, water, and air; and blesses the City of Greensboro.

Project Impact

By providing income, job experience, and meaningful relationships with the larger church community, the F2F program answers one of the greatest human needs in the parish, which has been blessed to receive a substantial refugee population. Church of the Redeemer is home not only to two English-speaking congregations, but to Arabic and Kinyarwanda-langauge services as well.

Long-term, the goal of the F2F program is to equip Anglicans not only in theGreensboro parish, but throughout the entir diocese and province. This expansion has already begun through NGF’s Farm Box subscriptions, as regional Anglican churches purchase the food grown and packed by F2F youth participants. The Farm Boxes provide one of many non-arbitrary opportunities for our predominately white, upper-middle class English-speaking congregants to work with the F2F program.

Cultivating a robust food economy not only strengthens relationships among active church members, but allows the goodness of life within Christ’s Body to radiate blessing to those on the margins of local churches and parishes.