Advocate Frienders - Homeless Ministry

Grant Amount Needed: $5,750

By supporting this project, you will be helping this parish be the hands and feed of Jesus in Austin. Additionally, they are creating a replicable model of advocacy befrienders for other parishes to utilize.

Project Overview

Nearly 100 chronically homeless neighbors live within a 3 block radius of Christ Church Austin (*chronically homeless meaning that these neighbors have lived more than 1 year on the streets). For the past 2 years, Fr Matt Dampier has led a team of about 20 people called "Advocate Befrienders" into friendship with these on the streets. The goal has been to walk with people from street life into Jesus-centered community and housing through friendship.

The group has learned much about mutuality and friendship; and that the social services in Austin are expansive and complex to navigate. Advocate befrienders are trying to form a partnership with the City of Austin to develop "Pop Up Clinics.” that will bring the social services of the city to one location for people experiencing homelessness so they can receive support for many of their needs at once (eg, insurance, food stamps, housing wait lists, etc). Christ Church Austin plans to host these pop-ups, which will give our congregation greater points of contact with their unhoused neighbors as they can prepare meals, blessing bags, and serve as hosts.

Project Impact

This initiative is parish-centric. It utilizes the existing, congregational network for volunteers and the church property as the hosting site, doubling down on Anglican values of place and parish. Additionally, this reinforces the friendship network between the housed congregation and the unhoused street neighbors Fr Matt has cultivated over the past two years as he distributes holy communion each Sunday on the streets. Pop up clinics would highlight the church as a 'safe and welcomed space' to housed and unhoused alike, extending hospitality to the marginalized.